Cataloguing in Gippsland

Musings of a Cataloguer at Large in Gippsland. Just personal thoughts - absolutely no bearing on the thoughts of any organisation with which I am working.

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Good Regional Website

History & Museums Connecting is an excellent website being run by Wal in regional New South Wales.

Wish we had something like that here.

Now, a photo... always like a photo. There are plenty I
could use, but how to tie them to the post...


Fancy Dress Footballers


Because I have just posted it on the Maffra blog, and I think it deserves a bit more exposure. So someone, somewhere, can name some of the blokes.

You can see a larger copy HERE

Just Digitise it at Traralgon

Just a reminder that the Public Record Office of Victoria Just Digitise It workshop is being held at Traralgon on 18 and 19 August.

Don't forget to book.

Hmmm, need a pic.......

I know


Page from Ruby Cahill's autograph book at Stratford Historical Museum. A wonderful insight into the people around Dargo, and just the sort of thing that needs digitising.

There is a larger view HERE.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hello Everyone

Just poking my head up above the parapet to see who is out there.

Aaah, yes, lots of people out there cataloguing. Very good to see.

Maybe not as many as should be getting the respect and recognition (which are two very different things) that they deserve. Not a lot that have their positions (be it as Cataloguer, Registrar, Archivist, Collection Manager) formally set in place in their structure. But still they beaver away, hoping that some day, someone will properly understand what they are doing, given all this Significance stuff, and that sort of thing. All of them in Gippsland, in the history and heritage arena, are volunteers.

(Speaking of respect, the worst thing I heard said to a Cataloguer recently was "I understand what you are doing, I used to be a Primary School Librarian. I know how important it is to be able to find things". Ummmm, location is one of about twenty fields in a catalogue structure......

And not knocking promary school librarians - they do make brilliant cataloguers)

I am definitely not into recognition stuff, but maybe there should be an annual trophy for Cataloguers? Something like this:


Seriously? Well, on some levels Yes, but on others, No.

Not this actual trophy, it is just an excuse to put a photo on the blog - hate posts without photos. Photos on blogs are fun, and hopefully this blog will be too.

But these cowhorns are the historical equivalent of an award I got once, that is so ugly it is an interesting commentary on objects in general - and that is what cataloguing is all about, really. Recognising what objects are, and respecting them for what they tell us of life around us.

So no, I am not into awards and prizes. Although it would be good to see one for cataloguers, judged by other cataloguers, as a way of recognising good practice. But in the meantime, I am just out there chatting about cataloguing, and respect (as distinct from recognition), and some of the really good work being done around Gippsland.

Feel free to pop in occasionally to say hello.

(And Thanks to Maffra Sugar Beet Museum for the image)