Gippsland Cataloguing Network meeting
This is a reminder to all appropriate people that the next meeting of the Gippsland Cataloguing network will be held at Foster Museum, at 9.30am for 10am, on
Tuesday 26 June.
Tea, coffee and bikkies provided, please BYO lunch (or purchase close by in the town).
We are usually finished by 3pm.
The meeting is informal, and consists of a good look at how Foster (an accredited museum) catalogues, and then it is open to the floor to take queries, discuss new discoveries, and talk about cataloguing in general. We find we learn a lot from each other.
Everyone is most welcome, no matter what software you are using - and even if you are not using any at all.
There is another link to the Museum HERE and another HERE.
**There are seats available in cars departing Traralgon and Moe, please contact me if you wish to avail yourself of one**
Please RSVP me if you are attending, so we have enough chairs and cups etc.