Cataloguing in Gippsland

Musings of a Cataloguer at Large in Gippsland. Just personal thoughts - absolutely no bearing on the thoughts of any organisation with which I am working.

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Friday, November 22, 2013

News from the Centre for Gippsland Studies

 A most excellent Disaster Management workshop was held today at the Centre for Gippsland Studies, at what is about to become Federation University. Shown above are Bruce McMaster (Morwell Hist Soc), Graham Goulding (Moe Hist Soc and secretary of Gippsland Affiliated Historical Societies), Dr Harry Ballis (rear, incoming head of FedUni Gippsland), Dr Julie Fenley (Centre for Gippsland Studies), Russell Northe MP and Duncan Rolley from Artifact Conservation.

Dr Ballis was there to outline plans for an expansion of the Centre for Gippsland Studies - which sound very promising and exciting. A draft document is currently being prepared, which will be released for public comment in the near future. This will then provide us with the opportunity to point out just how important the future of the Centre is to us.


 The day was otherwise a mix of theory and hands-on from Duncan and Tina Rolley of Artifact Conservation - in this case, above, Tina is demonstrating the removal of staples from old documents, before sewing them in an approved manner with approved (and easily obtainable) materials

Above - Tina demonstrating recovery of wet photographs. 

People attended from as far apart as Walhalla, Drouin, Stratford and Leongatha - with a fair few in between. It was a most enjoyable day - many, many thanks to Dr Julie Fenley from the Centre for Gippsland Studies for her commitment to regional history and collections.