Cataloguing in Gippsland

Musings of a Cataloguer at Large in Gippsland. Just personal thoughts - absolutely no bearing on the thoughts of any organisation with which I am working.

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Monday, March 26, 2012

Victorian Collections

Unfortunately the Victorian Collections workshop at Sale on 3 April has been cancelled due to a lack of bookings. I know several people were talking with me about going, so please book early if you are considering attending the next round in July.

This caused me to have another look at the cataloguing situation in Gippsland. There are 27 collections that either have InMagic, or access to it. This includes regional galleries, Centre for Gippsland Studies, Old Gippstown, Coal Creek and the Gippsland Maritime Museum.

One collection is using Mosaic, one Access (finding Mosaic did not suit), and three have 20 or more items on Victorian Collections. A number of others are registered for Victorian Collections, including a considerable number who you usually don't see around cataloguing collections, which is good. VC is now open to the museum community in general, the only requirement being the entry of 20 items.

There are a couple of significant collections that have not yet started digital cataloguing, although they may have paper records.

While I'm not going to be using Victorian Collections to manage the collections with which I work, I am totally committed to uploading appropriate items from the catalogue to the net, and this will be an ideal way, once that section of it becomes available.

In the meantime, it looks to be a quite good way for small collections such as RSLs, Fire Brigades (have seen a good collection in one recently) and other community groups to record their collections.

There is a beta version out there, so do drop over and have a look.


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