Cataloguing in Gippsland

Musings of a Cataloguer at Large in Gippsland. Just personal thoughts - absolutely no bearing on the thoughts of any organisation with which I am working.

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Location: Victoria, Australia

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ready to Start.

Ballarat has been reached, and I have checked out where the Conference is to be held. Right next door to where my Great-Grandparents were married in 1855. Some people reckon that more families can be tied to Ballarat than any other area in Victoria. Certainly I have two little bubs who would have been a great aunt and a great uncle, buried in the old cemetery here, one drowning in a water hole, the other falling in a fire, both in the 1860s.

So having done my rounds of the family sites (Madman's Flat, anyone???), I found somewhere for an early dinner. I tried when I checked into the motel to see if they would tell me if there was anyone else they knew to be in for the conference, but they weren't playing that game - despite this being one of the nominated motels.

Maybe it would have been good if a local pub or venue had been nominated as an informal turnup point - there must be others who have travelled a fair distance who would be up for a natter.

Don't forget to pop over and check out how Geniaus is blogging the "other" conference, going on in Adelaide. It would be good to be able to meet up with other bloggers, but I don't like my chance here. But there is one session on Social Media in Museums, so I will have a listen-in there.


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